Sunday, June 8, 2008

Brief update

We've been a week on the road and wrapped production on 6 shows. That's pretty good, huh? With 14 (13 really) to go and...29 more days, the worst is clearly behind us. It's been extremely hard to get anything done outside of work on Signature Series, so I'm sorry I haven't posted pictures or responded to phone calls or emails. Frankly, this is the first time I've had reliable internet service since I left. I'll be here one more night, long enough to upload about 300MB of photos.

One quick funny thing about America: there's absolutely nothing in the southwest of Wyoming. I stayed in the creepiest hotel last night--one that had everyone sleeping in their clothes and not taking a shower. In Wamsutter, WY, there's two motels. We stayed in the nice one. The other one looked like...some Soviet Motel 6. I think the walls were aluminum. Although in Wamsutter (where we were), no one lives in anything other than a trailer. The motel was actually pretty nice, considering. The water was brown, but it was pretty nice. Oh, and I got 3 Jim Beams at the Desert Bar for less than $10. Notice how I ordered something that would elicit a communal approval from discriminating rancher eyes which are always on the look out for homosexual cityfolk.

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