Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The edge of adulthood

I think it speaks to the state that I'm in when my primary concern these days is the state of my front yard. After working and working for six months, I'm looking forward to pulling some weeds in my new home. Too bad I've got a couple of vacations planned in the next month.

I'm trying to think of a recent uncomfortable position I've put myself into. I've tried to write on a few that I was in over the course of the Sig Series. I just couldn't put Hannah, the girl who told us her "p___ is tight as f___," into a coherant anecdote. I guess that one will have to stay with me. But as I'm thinking about an uncomfortable position, I've also got my first mortgage payment staring me in the face. It must know I have my wallet in my pocket.

All the Sig Series pictures are up on Flickr. And please continue to check out the new episodes on Crackle.com. We need those hits!

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