Monday, August 18, 2008

Spider goes postal

If spiders have families, one exists in my mailbox. This puts me in an uncomfortable position because not only do I have a jittery case of arachnophobia, but I am also a Mail-o-phile. I really love mail. If there was a sliding scale to measure my adoration, I'd be up with the 80-year-old widows with Country Home Living subscriptions. I'm like a Labrador: when I think I hear the mailman, I will press my snout against the window. (HE should be the one who's embarrassed. At least I'm not wearing short shorts and long socks.) There's a little formula I've come up with, which unfortunately confirms that it's only going to get worse.

Spiders in mailbox = Time/Love of mail

Which means that the longer I wait, the more spiders there will be. And the more I let my love drop, the more spiders there will be. Granted, I think my units are all off (if anyone has a formula to convert spiders into time, lemme know), but spiders aren't good at math either so I think it's a wash.

As you can imagine, absolutely nothing can be done about this. The spiders are deep inside the box, so I can't just reach in and try to squish them. That's what they'd WANT me to do. I can't get a new mailbox because the guy with the short shorts and long socks will know that I'm weak and steal all my detergent samples because he'll know I crumble like a cookie.

Maybe I'll get some tongs.


Anonymous said...

True story: while we were at your house on Saturday, before we knocked on your door I opened your mailbox and stuck my hand inside because I wanted to "know what it's like to have a real grownup mailbox."

Maybe that's the reason why I have all the bitey welts on my hand. Oh well. Worth it.

Anonymous said...

You know how I currently sew for a living? I reached for some fabric I had stowed on the couch one day and a spider made a nest and laid some eggs in my fabric. It was really freaky. You're probably glad you weren't there. No one was there...I had to take care of it myself. GAH!

Mr. Zero said...

Both of these comments are horrifying. Leave me alone.