Monday, January 7, 2008

The Food is Great, but the Company Sucks.

In addition to this sudden isolation, I've decided to change my eating habits. Tonight, I had a mixing bowl full of spinach and greens. No dressing. If you don't know already, I don't eat salads. In the interest of science, I read and wrote while picking leaves from a bowl and cramming them into my gullet like Big League Chew. I feel my ancestor, Ghengis Khan (I've got a 1-in-200 chance! Look it up), is shaming me. Before I locked the door yesterday evening, I loaded my pantry with low-sodium, low-fat foods. This morning, however, I discovered that I didn't get brown sugar for my oatmeal. Oatmeal without brown sugar is like cramming spinach down your gullet.

I've still got a bit of the technology fever and I haven't moved past the "Negotiation" phase (I'll just take a peak at I don't know what step that is on Kubler-Ross's chart. How tragic that I can't just go to Wikipedia, else I could prepare for what comes next. I'm hoping it's "Gameboy."

What I miss: Watching television while I eat.


Kristina said...

Sweetheart, just use regular sugar and add some cinnamon to your oatmeal. Trust me, it's delish and you will get a chance to enjoy your breakfast, rather than swallowing it whole.

Unknown said...

haha! When I saw your blog this morn, I stated to ask if you had at least gone grocery shopping you need a friend to "ding-dong ditch" your apartment and leave some brown sugar on the doorstep? :)

JC said...

I think we're all beginning to wonder how much more interesting this little venture would be if it were also a "hunger strike" in the true Bobby Sands-sense of the term. Sure, Kristina might return to find you had forsaken the science of word processing for writing on the walls of your cell— I mean apartment— with your own feces… but talk about suffering for your art!

By the way, what IS with all the pink? Reading your blog page is like looking at a Victoria's Secret ad for Valentine's Day — without the g-strings.